About Me

I am Katherinne Rivera, a recent college graduate in search of new oppportunities to continue my knowledge in the tech world. As we continue to develop, our technology advances with us. There are new discoveries everyday and technology just keeps evolving. As an avid learner, technology fascinates me as there is always something new to learn about it. I have a always been drawn to computers, so wanting a career in the tech world comes naturally to me. Furthermore, due to my love of math, Data Analytics is appeals to me as it contains both math and computers. I want to be able to apply my tech skills to data and contribute by solving problems. I also want to be able to continue learning and watch what I produce be shared by many.

My Life

I was born in El Salvador and immigrated to the Unites States when I was almost 2 years. I have lived in Fort Worth, TX my whole life while aspiring and working towards achieving goals my parents saw as only dreams. As a first generation immigrant, school was not easy as I had to figure out everything by myself. I didn't have my brothers or parents to tell me how to prepare for college during high school or what to expect in college. Despite having to go through all these experiences by myself, I paved the way for my family in the future by being the first to graduate from a 4-year university. I am glad I'm able to set an example for my younger nieces and nephew. Furthermore, family is important to me and I feel honored to be the one to open doors for them.

My Education

I received my education from the Texas A&M University and earned a Bachelors degree in Applied Math with an emphasis in Computer Science. In addition, I minored in Computer Sciene. During my college experience, I got to learn and enjoy computer science and coding. My first class being an into to JAVA, made my interests grow as I was able to see my programming skills develop and produce pretty cool things. Having graduated with an Applied Mathematics degree, it sets me apart since I have gotten the opportunity to study algorithms in a mathematical point of view. Therefore, I am used to analyzing different problems which can be beneficial in programming and software developing. Some relevant courses I took include Statistics, Programming Languages, Math Modeling, Discrete Structures for Computing, and Design and Analysis of Computing.

My Skills

Throughout my college years I was able to learn some of these skills, and as I graduated I took some self-initiateive and learned some more. I am a fast learner and I enjoy learning. In college, I learned C++, Java, and a bit of HTML/CSS. After college, I dedicated time to learn Python, SQL, and I'm currently learning Tableu. Furthermore these are some certifications I've earned along the way:


I have spent most of my life learning and I don't intend to stop. However, I believe the best way to learn is to put my knowledge into practice. Here are some projects I have been working on:
Python Projects:

Snake Game
LeetCode Challenges
Movie Industry Python Analysis

HTML Projects:

Personal Website

SQL Projects:

Covid Data Analysis
Nashville Data Cleaning

Contact Me

I would love to hear from you. Here are some ways to contact me:


