Python Problems
After graduation college, I set out to learn a new programming language, Python. This is a very popular programming language and also one of the simplest.
Taking courses on LinkedIn and watching many youtube videos, I grasped the knowledge of Python. So I set out to put my knowledge into practice through
Leetcode problems. I wrote solutions for problems that I have tackled in the past using C++. It was
interesting to see how the two languages would vary, and how I had to take a different approach based on the different functions each language was capabable
of. In addition, I got to experience how much simpler it was to write code in python and I regret not learning it sooner.
There are different sets of challenges that I completed posted in the following list:
• Palindromes
• Concantenation of Array
• Build Array from Permutation
• Runnin Sum of Array
• Can Place Flowers
• Kids with the Greatest Numbers of Candies
• Roman to Integer
• Number of Good Pairs