by: Katherinne Rivera

Completed: March 2022

The Snake Game
This program was created with python3 using Jupyter notebook. I followed the instructions given by geeksforgeek and then customized a few things to make it my own. Although I wasn't the sole creator, this program helped me learn more about the pygame tools available for python. Also, it helped me put into practice what I had previously learned in my self-taught learning courses.

The game starts out with two blocks on the screen, the pink square represents the snake that is controlled using the the four arrows on the the computer's keyboard. The purple square is what needs to be collected and will change locations randomly as the game continues. The game ends when the snake either runs into itself or runs out of the screen. When the game ends, the screen displays the score received as well as options to either exit the game or play again.

Since this was my first time ever using pygame, some problems that I encountered was how to make the game my own when I didn't quite understand the purpose of the code the way it was written. Some things that I changed was the colors of the game. I wanted it to be bright and more colorful which is why I decided on using the pastel colors yellow, pink, purple and blue. I also changed the speed of the snake to make it more challenging. Therefore, every time the snake collects a point it increases the speed. It took some trial and error as I would edit some code and it would change something completely different, or it wouldn't do anything at all, but the mistakes are what helped me learn.

I don't plan to do anything in game developement any time soon, but learning some tools from pygame and putting them into a program really helped me understand more about python. It was also a nice break from reviewing the programming algorithms and puzzles. It was fun activity that I look forward to continue upgrading and learning in my free time.

This code can be found on my github.